This is the story of Sarah, a fearless reporter who stumbled upon a deadly secret society controlling her city from the shadows. When the mayor died of a suspicious "heart attack", Sarah smelled a rat...and uncovered a pattern of "accidents" eliminating anyone who got in the society's way. Ignoring her skeptical editor, she followed the trail of cryptic clues – a whispered codename, a glimpse of the Ouroboros symbol...and a shocking discovery: the assassins were operating from inside her own newspaper!
Sarah knew she had to expose them, but she was already on their hit list! In a desperate gamble, she crashed a lavish gala hosted by her boss, armed with his antique pistol and a bombshell: the society's secret files, including their kill list. Holding the terrified elite hostage, she threatened to expose their deadly secrets to the world.
But Sarah realized true justice wouldn't come from a byline. She vanished into the night, becoming a phantom, a whisper of fear in the corridors of power. The assassins couldn't silence her without revealing themselves, so Sarah turned their game against them, using their secrets as poison to dismantle their empire piece by piece. They thought they controlled life and death, but Sarah became their ultimate nightmare: a woman with nothing left to lose and everything to expose.
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